That Was The Day That Was…

Where do I start? We ended up on the train down to Limerick. Not this train πŸ™‚

This train 😦

On the way down we discovered that the legendary Pastor Fred Phelps now officially hates us too. Yup, the guy who is the head of the “Most hated Family In America “(tm) has now turned his ire onto Ireland (witty, that eh?)

Louis Theroux did a great documentary with them recently – they’re quite well known in the US particularly for picketing the funerals of American soldiers that have died in Iraq because God hates America because America loves them ho-mo-sexuals.

Have a look at a bit here if you like:

So now, since the UCD Lit & Hist Society invited him to turn up at a debate they’re having next year, he hates us too. Seriously. To the point where he’s set up a website:

A close friend of mine has suggested that anyone this good at graphic design has to be gay…

You can even hear him rant on about the evils of UCD, David Norris and all of us in general HERE!

Now there’s a start to the day for ya. We played a clip, mentioned it and then you all gave us your two cents worth about it for the following half hour.

We met The ‘Lan:

Shot a new video for the Youtube channel:

Met Sarah (the girl last Friday who said she wasn’t looking forward to her 21st because she thought she was a bit overweight. I suggested she just go out, forget it all and have a good time and she did) and the one and only Tony!!!!

A top, top day was had by all. Thanks Limerick.

8 thoughts on “That Was The Day That Was…

  1. So, God hates Ireland now. hmm. I don’t know which is worse. The ramblings of this obviously disturbed man and his followers, or the smart arse UCD people who sent the invitation to this disturbed man for a publicity stunt.

  2. Rick, those Mark 3 (ie orange colored) Irish Rail carriages are said to be just comparable to the new Cork carriages.

    As the newer railcar you photographed is just coming into service I’d say few people know how they compare.

    Unless you know more about the new railcars they you are letting on, judging trains by how new or shiny they are maybe isn’t the best thing to do. πŸ™‚

  3. Heya Cian. Scroll back a bit (crap at hyperlinking in comments) and have a look at the new one I was on to Cork a while back. There’s quite a sizeable difference! The tea trolley on the way home had no hot water and thus no tea or coffee 😦

  4. I’ve had worse! A while back on a train down to Mayo somebody forgot to stock the shop.

    Somewhere after leaving Dublin a guy got on board to man the shop, but there was nothing for him to give away, never mind about to sell.

    To add to that the train was more then an hour late with delays along the way.

  5. I just saw your post about pastor phelps.

    It’s almost exactly the same as mine, which I put up on the 27th!

    I even came up with a “turned their ire on Ireland” line.

    Scary stuff.

    Oh yeah, and yer man’s a right cunt too.

  6. I also sent a link to the good Pastor for my post via

    Hopefully he’ll leave a comment..

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