Stampy, Stampy, Stampy.


Out with the Twitterrrrererererurs and the bloggers on Saturday night I finally got my Blogger Kriskindl present. And boy, was it worth the wait…

Remember this?

Even I didn’t remember that…

But Ellybabes did. She ROCKS.

PS I’ve just noticed I didn’t have her blogrolled. I’ve stamped my forehead for the day.

10 thoughts on “Stampy, Stampy, Stampy.

  1. OK Elly… I may have fudged that issue a little.

    Alan, I’m with Elly. Soap. Something you young folk know little of 😉

    NaRocRoc – yes, very much so!

    Darren…. *sigh* Haven’t you done that often enough?

    Wait. Flashback. Lottie’s boobs with WIN stamped on them.

    I can talk…

  2. Bugger. I said that Darren could only do that if he stamped Lottie’s first…. Am I going to have to spend the night at the Blog Awards ducking and diving to avoid it?

  3. Bah. Sorry I missed it. I got tempted toward dancing, even though I really prefer old man pubbery. Of course, with the stamps, maybe it’s best I wasn’t there 🙂

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